I blog gluten-free

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sublimely Profane

I'm known to make a few disastrous oopsies on occasion, from accidentally giving an inappropriate answer to questions, to occasionally offering an appropriate answer to those questions that can be deemed rather personal and unseemly indeed!
I joke that I'm a big size-queen. I can talk up a good game on it. It all started in 2004... a friend and I were going to Spot Coffee, discussing all matters of life, and they had been asking how I liked my coffee, while I sort of zoned out. Suddenly, they asked me, "So, how big do you like it?" Thinking they meant, how big a cup of coffee I usually get, although why they needed to know, I had no idea- I answered, in a sort of day-dreamy state "As big as I can get it!" They had unfortunately switched to sex as a topic, while I was in my dream world, and they just stared at me.
I have to watch that, but I have a rotten feeling that I could discuss The Sermon on the Mount vs. Marxism (I was once informed wrongly that Christ had not told the rich to give up their money, during a discussion on the "Priest's Marxist claptrap) and someone would find something I said to be dirty. Sadly, if I am purposefully filthy (I think there is sacredness in the sublimely profane) no one really understands or gets shocked and thinks Baby just told her first dirty joke. Now, if I'm entirely serious and have my mind out of the gutter for a moment, someone will find something that I said, and make me blush by pointing out "Uh, did you mean to say that?" *Sigh*

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