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Thursday, February 3, 2011

To My Angels

To my very special and lovely, funny Valentines
Dear Angels, Keep your chins up. Keep that marvelous humor, those senses of wonder and love for the sweet and simple. Do not let anyone say "You can't...". Remember, sweet angels, you have come into this mad world with so many disadvantages already. Childhood is so short, now. Maybe it always has been. But it seems like it gets shorter all the time, and we become wise and bitter while still wearing Pampers. We learn pain, loss, grief, to fear, to hate, to fight for all we hold dear, so early, now. We have long enough to be adults. Retain your wonder, your wide eyed wisdom, and let nothing harden your heart. Enjoy the sweet and simple, as long as you can, and let no one tell you that it's time to stop.
I adore you. Stay, just a little while, OK?
Love, Beth

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