I blog gluten-free

Friday, November 16, 2012

We Make Our Own Traditions

Once a year, it's Martha's Living, glossy food porn with vivid cranberries that just cannot be naturally colored, yams overflowing with marshmallows, the turkey, dear God, the turkey, and the football.

But sometimes, we forget the people. This year, I'm having a nice dinner out with Mom, and hopefully with G & C.
We were discussing it... we've made our own traditions... love... good food, free from allergens and gluten, lots of laughter, cameras after we eat, coffee, blazing hot and tickling our noses with its' aroma. Not quite a Christmas Story Chinese restaurant dinner... (thank heavens... I can't eat if it's looking at me, either.) but as G. eloquently put it, "Traditions are for old people. We are hot young ladies." And we hot young ladies make our own traditions.

Already, it's easy to be overwhelmed... decor is already up, and people complain ad nauseum.
It's already a crazy world. While I cling to some things... the Advent wreath... the innocent little things... oh sweet little Flower-the-Skunk---oh, sweet Grover---a reminder of klutzes trying, gosh darn it! And making people smiling-so, success! I am making my own way, my own path, my own traditions, as I go. See me grow.

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