I blog gluten-free

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Whirlwind and the Waterloo

It's been a mini whirl wind here--- getting ready for rarely seen relatives, and trying to make everything perfect (I am such an over achiever, I managed to put myself into "Little Whirlwind" mode- I actually could not sit down yesterday, and am now, only because they mowed again and I don't deal well with fresh cut grass and had to take benadryl. I will of course, be stir crazy before long.)... Still have some basic cooking tomorrow, plus moving laundry day- usually Friday- up a couple days.

I want things to be just right, so of course, I'm freaking out over things going wrong. It's not helping me, and I know, it's going to make me extremely tired when I'm ready to relax. Congratulations, Beth, you managed to wind yourself up good and tight! Sigh. You neurotic, picky, person, you. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

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