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Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week

Solemn faces
Candles galore
Preparations and feasts and solemnity

A lamb led to slaughter
Betrayed with a kiss
30 pieces of silver- for what price a friend, for what price a love?

A prophecy to fulfill
A life to give
So all may be free

One day, he rode into Jerusalem
A humble donkey the King rode

One day, they feasted
"Take eat, this is my body. Drink, this is my blood".

One day he was arrested
Cruelly paraded in cloth of purple
And crown of thorns

Pontius Pilot, after asking him every question he could
After trying to free him, only to give up a murderer to the shrieking crowds instead
Washed his hands of the responsibility and sent a lamb to his doom

One day, he died with dignity none could remove
Hung naked and bleeding on a cross
Forgiving a thief, and forgiving those who mocked him
"He saved others, himself, he cannot save."

One day, the women found his grave empty
One day, he showed himself to his friends and followers
One day, a Doubting Thomas had to touch his still-bleeding stigmata himself, before he could believe that the promise to come back had come true.

And one week, we celebrate a week that ends darkly
And begins again with sunlight and joy.