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Monday, September 7, 2015

Can Music Cure What Ails Ya?

... It's worth a shot.

Section I:Get up, get out. 
 IA:The Ramones: Blitzkrieg Bop 
  Insert your own syntax here = )
Hey, ho! Let's go! Hey! Ho! Let's go! = )
 IB: The Gorrillaz: Feel Good, Inc. It gets your fingers snapping and lets you prep for a lousy day.
IC:Barleyjuice: Pour That Whiskey
In the drinkin' song tradition, makes you move, gets you smiling.
ID: Salt 'n' Pepper: Push It
Oh, yeah... = )   

Section II: Moves Your Butt:
 II A:LL Cool J: Mama Said, 'Knock You Out'. Gets your fighting spirit moving. 
II B: The Young Dubliners: Tell Me Ma: "She is courting 1, 2, 3..." tap those tootsies. Another classic drinkin' song.  
II C: Toni Basil, Mickey.
It takes you by the heart and it takes you by the hand. 
II D: Tony Bennett and Lady Ga Ga: "Lady Is a Tramp" 
The classics are classics for a reason. 

Section III: The Covers
IIIA: Weird Al- "Ricky" It's adorable and works fantastically with the original
IIIB: The History Teachers.  Almost everything. (There's some that just don't work for me... it's at 2 out of about 100. So they have a 98% success rate with me.)
Their take on Catherine the Great is based on Poker Face and makes you move.  
 I also adore their take on Beowulf, based on 99 Luftballoons by Nena and contains actual vintage Scandinavian texts.  (It also soothes the gaping wound left behind by the season finale of Vikings on the History Channel.)

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