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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

From the Vatican to Tenessee

-Veronica's Veil is major relic in the Roman Catholic Church. It is supposedly a cloth used to wipe Jesus's face as he went toward his crucifixion.
-Astute readers will note: This is not canonical. Also, Veronica comes from the Latin for "True Icon" as in "This is the model of the Christian woman, she offers compassion

I love reading weird news and occasionally find tidbits examining vintage ads (At this moment, I found a "must read" book on eugenics from the 30s... and learned too much already, including that an octaroon is not a cookie. Said a friend, "No, Beth, that's a macaroon."

In my reading, via Chuck Shepherd at News of the Weird, I stumbled across this little stub:
Holy Relic found in closet (No sarcastic comment- this time.)

So an elderly man has a gift of a stolen painting that is 150 years old. It was stolen and the thief attempted to sell it to a church. He was arrested. Said the home's owner (A motor home at that) ""Haha, I've lived here for 17 years. It's been in there... or in my bedroom ever since."

Now, I can say, no sarcasm included: If it had been the Sacred Heart, I doubt he'd have been so blithe. 

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