If life is a quilt- red for pain and black for violence, white for faith and purity, blue for peace, and gray for sadness, and all is supposed to be pieced into the design just as naturally as can be, then why are so many floating... hurting, crying, unable to allow themselves to lean for succor? Why do so many attack themselves?
Little loose threads... I know what it's like to be one... I feel sometimes, that I feel disconnected from the (extremely red and black and gray quilt, with it's bits of blues and whites) one my family, my blood creates. I can occasionally attempt piecing a lighter quilt, my own "family" but I know I'm always being torn to shreds when I see the red and black and gray creeping in and ripping others apart.
Dear Little Loose Threads,
I'm here. If you need to be angry, I will not judge. Silence is not a good thing sometimes, it is in silence that we allow ourselves to tear ourselves, in silence, we cause pain to ourselves. The darkness, can be lovely, but only as a counter to that which is falsely, sterile-y bright. You are worth love, acceptance, you are not terrible because you had a moment of imperfection. You are not bad because sometimes, you just don't fit.
Dear Little Loose threads, we have a place, somewhere.
Isolato! Do you think yourself a string too short to save? Do you think you are lank and straight, with no connection
fore or aft? Fear not your insignifigance. Nature has a drawer for you. Yes, Nature garners up all the string too short
to save, and mice visit the drawer. Here's nesting material! Yes, you WILL be interwoven, be it now or later. From: Ahab's Wife
or, The Stargazer by Sena Jeter-Nastlund
And this, is where I end the only way I know how to quilt!
Jeff here,
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Quality writing, Beth. We are all made up of the different colored threads of life. While some of the threads in our personal quilt are not our choice, many are - that is the point of life - our choices.
The line from a book- actually a sort of dream soliloquy from someone learning to tat-make lace- tends to pop in my head here and there. The rest came from a failed blanket I attempted, I figured I had to put the energy somewhere!