Monday, November 18, 2013

A Heaven Out of Hell, or A Hell Out of Heaven?

It seems like people are perpetually saying, "I'll be happy when," , "I'll be happy IF." I'm no expert. It seems right, feels right, to keep John Milton' s famous quote from Paradise Lost in mind: "The mind is in its own place, and in itself, can make a heaven out of hell, and a hell out of heaven." *Rest cannot dwell *And Hope never comes... UNLESS! Big steps: GOOD! From beginning to fruition, keep up the little things. Be strong, be stubborn. Love yourself first. Always. Don't second-and- third-guess yourself. When? BE HAPPY NOW! Where have you been? You HAVE survived. The world has beauty to offset the ugly... however much people suck, it's that that should restore faith in humanity. Know your own strength. Don't rest on your laurels, but take time to enjoy. See how far you've come, now go forward.